Singapore WetMarket Discount Coupon for this month

Check out our latest Discount code for SGWetMarket for this month:

Singapore's leading online wetmarket site with vegetables, seafood, meat & fruits packed by our local wetmarket stalls on the same day of delivery. Fresh wetmarket produce delivered to your doorstep.

Get $6 off on your first wetmarket order with us today!

Discount code: SGWNEW

  • $6.00 off all products
  • Minimum purchase of $60.00
  • For New customers only
  • One use per customer

Discount code: FRESHFISH

  • 10% off Seafood
  • Minimum purchase of $50.00
  • One use per customer


Discount code: FBWB10
$10 off for your first order with us

  • Minimum purchase of $50.00
  • One use per customer
  • For new customers only