24-hours Wetmarket - among the Five Best Wetmarkets
24-hours Wetmarket - among the Five Best Wetmarkets ?
Having a hard time looking for an ingredient for your dish? Not sure about the ingredient but you have a sense that it could a be an inspired dish? You need an important ingredient at an unusual hour? We came up with a list of some places you can check out for the markets you can go to for them.
1. Hougang Wet market, just along Hougang Avenue 8. They have all the things you need for your everyday needs, like vegetables, fish, meat, pork, and fruits. We are open 24 hours to serve you. Be sure to give us a visit so we can give you a smile and maybe a discount.
2. Chinatown, while it is known for its herbs and medicines. Chinatown wet market still has more up its sleeve and has exotic spices that could be new to you and your family. They have most of the vegetables you might have grown up to eat but as it evolves to satisfy the unique taste palette of the people, tourists and commoners alike tread these floors for something that will excite them. It is located at the basement of Chinatown Complex, just the opposite the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple.
3. Tekka Market located at the heart of Little India it serves up different spices that will really spice up your life - figuratively and literally. The stall owners here can be fun to be with because they know that it's what keeps customers coming back. They have a different but also wide variety of ingredients, that will surprise you as well
4. Geylang Serai Wet market. This place has the heart of Malay cuisine, and you might be craving the taste of Malay food. Be sure to check this place out for its unique flavors and vegetables.
5. Tiong Bahru Wetmarket. This is where a vast selection of seasonal produce, cheap price for the Australian and New Zealand beef. Don’t forget to pick up at the flower stalls a bunch of fresh blooms on your way out. You can see that many orchids are on sale at bargain price
Hope we were able to help you look for that ingredient, so you'll be able to complete your dish.