Different Parts of Fresh Chicken
Without using antibiotics and growth hormones,fresh chickens are reared in a modernized and environmentally friendly farm. Using advanced farming technology, fresh chickens are feed with lactobacillus to enhance their immune systems naturally. They are reared in a temperature-controlled, hygienic environment with more than sufficient space for them to move. Such conditions result to have more tender, juicy and delicious fresh chicken as part of your meal.
Fresh chicken is the most common type of poultry in the world. Owing to the relative ease and low cost of raising them in comparison to animals such as cattle or hogs, fresh chickens have become so popular. It has been prevalent throughout the cuisine of cultures around the world and their meat has been variously adapted to regional tastes.
Prepared fresh chicken has become a staple of fast food. There are various ways of preparing fresh chicken. Cooking has different preparation depending on its purpose like baking,grilling,barbecuing,frying and boiling, among many others. Fresh chicken is sometimes cited as being more healthful than red meat with lower concentrations of cholesterol and saturated fat. If you want to eat healthy foods, fresh chicken is a good option.
The poultry farming industry that accounts for fresh chicken production takes on a range of forms across different parts of the world. In developed countries,fresh chickens are typically subject to intensive farming methods, while less-developed areas raise fresh chickens using more traditional farming techniques.
The different parts of the fresh chicken are the following
1. Fresh Chicken Breast: These are white and are relatively dry.
2. Fresh Chicken Leg: Comprises two segments:
a. The "drumstick" is the lower part of the leg,
b. The "thigh" is the upper part of the leg.
3. Fresh Chicken Wing: Often served as a light meal or bar food. Buffalo wing are a typical example. Comprises three segments:
a. The "drumette", shaped like a small drumstick, this is white meat,
b. The middle "flat" segment, containing two bones, and
c. The tip which is often discarded.
These are the other Parts of the Fresh Chicken:
a. Fresh Chicken Feet: These contain little meat and are eaten mainly for the skin and cartilage.
b. Giblets: organs such as the heart, gizzards,and liver may be included inside a butchered fresh chicken or sold separately.
c. Head: it is split down the middle, the brains and other tissue are eaten.
d. Kidneys: found in deep pockets on each side of the vertebral column.
e. Neck: This is served in various Asian dishes
f. Oysters: Located on the back, near the thigh, these small, round pieces of dark meat are often considered to be a delicacy.
g. Pygostyle(fresh chicken buttocks) and testicles: These are commonly eaten in East Asia and some parts of South East Asia.
d. By-products
a. Blood: These are commonly cut into cubes and used in soup dishes.
b. Carcass: After the removal of the flesh, this is used for soup stock.
c. Fresh Chicken Legs: The most well-known and well-consumed by-product.
d. Heart and gizzard: fresh chicken hearts are an often seen delicacy.
e. Liver: This is the largest organ of the fresh chicken, and is used in such dishes as Pate and chopped liver.
f. Schmaltz: This is produced by rendering the fat
Photo credits: Denis Agati on Unsplash