Sour Power: Surprising Health Benefits of Green Lemons
While you were reading the headline of this post, we could almost envision the expression that was on your face. Just the mention of lemons is enough to make you scrunch up your face in disdain, but try to keep that grimace hidden as we discuss the positive aspects of this meal.
The lemon is a kind of citrus fruit that is indigenous to Asia. Although green lemons are grown in Mexico throughout the whole year, the months of May through October are considered to be their prime harvesting months. When they are still on the tree, citrus fruits of every kind retain their green coloration. As lemons mature, the pigment chlorophyll that gives them their green hue is replaced by another substance known as anthocyanin. This results in the lemons losing their green color.
There are a number of lime species, each of which would turn yellow if left on the tree for a sufficient amount of time, but they are never given the opportunity. This is due to the fact that mature citrus fruits are too delicate to transport effectively, which is why growers usually collect the fruit when it is still unripe and green.
In addition, among the many types of citrus fruit, lemons are among those that provide one of the most significant advantages to one's health. Its leaves, peel, and sap come together to create a triangle, and from this triangle, many helpful nutrients are collected for the purpose of enhancing and ensuring the body's ability to operate properly. Lemon treatment, if performed correctly, has the potential to treat a variety of illnesses, including cardiovascular, digestive, and neurological conditions, particularly severe disorders.
Lemon has risen in popularity with those who are interested in business as a source of revenue due to the many health advantages that it offers. These people have capitalized on the lemon's appeal. Have you ever tasted a beverage that is made with fresh lemon and in which the juice is extracted by squeezing the lemon? Because of the rise in popularity of this activity in a lot of nations, probably yes in your life.
Read on for more information on the positive effects that green lemons have on one's health.
Help Maintain a Healthy Heart
Vitamin C may be found in high concentrations in lemons. roughly 31 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C may be found in a single lemon, which is equal to roughly 51% of the recommended daily intake (RDI).
According to studies, those who consume a diet high in vitamin C from foods such as fruits and vegetables had a lower chance of developing cardiovascular disease and stroke. However, it is assumed that the benefits of vitamin C to your heart are not limited to only the vitamin itself. Lemons include a variety of beneficial plant chemicals and fiber, both of which may dramatically reduce the chance of developing heart disease.
Assist with Weight Control
Lemons are often touted as a meal that might aid in weight reduction, and there are a few hypotheses floating about as to why this is the case. There is a belief that the soluble pectin fiber in them swells as they are digested, which keeps you feeling fuller for a longer period of time.
However, only a small percentage of individuals consume entire lemons. In addition, because lemon juice does not have any pectin in it, drinking beverages made from lemon juice will not have the same effect of making you feel full.
Another hypothesis is that if you consume hot water with lemon, it will assist in your weight loss efforts. On the other hand, it is well known that drinking water may temporarily boost the amount of calories your body burns, thus it is possible that it is the water itself that is assisting with weight reduction rather than the lem.
According to some hypotheses, the plant components found in lemons may assist in the process of weight reduction. The plant chemicals included in lemon extracts have been shown to help prevent or decrease weight gain in a variety of different ways, according to research.
Protect Yourself From Kidney Stones
The crystallization and accumulation of waste materials in the kidneys may lead to the formation of tiny lumps known as kidney stones. They are fairly common, and those who have them often experience them more than once.
It is possible that citric acid might help prevent kidney stones by raising urine volume and increasing urine pH, so generating an environment that is less conducive to the production of kidney stones. People who have previously experienced kidney stones may only need a half cup of lemon juice each day to get the necessary amount of citric acid to help prevent future stones from forming.
Protect Yourself From Anemia
Iron deficiency anemia is extremely prevalent. It takes place when a person's diet does not provide them with an adequate amount of iron. Although lemons do contain some iron, their primary role in preventing anemia is to increase the body's ability to absorb the iron found in plant foods.
Iron from animal sources, such as meat, poultry, and fish, is referred to as "heme iron," and it is readily absorbed by your digestive tract, but iron derived from plant sources is not as readily absorbed. The use of vitamin C and citric acid, on the other hand, might facilitate an increase in this absorption.
Lemons, which are rich in vitamin C as well as citric acid, may help prevent anemia by maximizing the amount of dietary iron that can be absorbed by the body. Citrus fruits are acidic.
Reduce the Potential for Cancer
There is some evidence that eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables may help prevent cancer. People who consume the most citrus fruit may have a decreased risk of cancer, according to the findings of certain observational research; however, other studies have shown no impacts from this behavior.
Lemons contain a number of plant components, some of which have been hypothesized to have anticancer properties. These include limonene and naringenin, amongst others. However, this theory requires more examination. Although it is possible that some plant components found in lemons and other citrus fruits have the ability to fight cancer, there is no credible data to indicate that lemons may prevent or treat cancer in people.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general information purposes only. All information in this article is sourced from other websites, and we do not represent any rights regarding the contents and information on the site. All rights belong to their original owner.
- Green lemon properties: what is it for | Gardening On (jardineriaon.com)
- Why are lemons yellow and limes green? | BBC Science Focus Magazine
- 6 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Lemons (healthline.com)