What happens when you eat garlic every day?
Garlic, in all dishes, is used very often. Due to its strong flavor and scent, It is a common ingredient in many dishes. For the most part, it is an excellent addition to fried rice, soups, stews, sauces, pizza, and other meals that you can think of.
Many health advantages are associated with this potent substance because of its therapeutic qualities. However, it is ever wondered if too much garlic can be harmful to one’s health and body.
Let’s look at the benefits and side effects of eating garlic.
- Medicine-Giving Compounds Found in Garlic
The Allium family, which includes onions, includes garlic. One of the most closely related vegetables to onion is the leek. Clove is a portion of a garlic bulb. On average, a single bulb has 10–20 cloves.
Garlic is a common component in many cuisines because of its intense aroma and savory flavor. However, the most common usage of garlic in ancient times was for its medical and therapeutic benefits.
Sulfur chemicals generated when a garlic clove is chopped, crushed, or chewed are now known to be responsible for the majority of garlic's health benefits. Allicin is the most well-known of them. On the other hand, Allicin is a volatile compound that is only briefly present in freshly cut or crushed garlic.
- Garlic Is Packed With Health Benefits, yet It's Low in Calories.
Garlic is very nutrient-dense when measured in terms of its caloric content. Raw garlic includes Manganese, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Selenium, and Fiber in a single clove (3 grams).
Other nutrients may also be found in garlic. It has a little bit of everything you could want or need.
- Infections, like the common cold, maybe fought off with garlic.
Supplemental garlic has been shown to improve immune system function. While garlic supplements have been shown to lower the occurrence of colds by 63 percent, this is not the only benefit.
The data isn't strong enough, though, according to one study, and further studies are required. Adding garlic to your diet may be worth a shot, even though there isn't much data to support it if you are prone to colds.
- Preventing High Blood Pressure with Garlic's Active Compounds
The leading cause of death worldwide is cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a major factor in developing many disorders.
According to human research, people with high blood pressure have been shown to benefit from garlic supplements. To get the intended results, you'll need to take a lot of supplements. Four garlic cloves a day are approximately suitable for the recommended dosage.
- Garlic may reduce the risk of heart disease since it lowers blood cholesterol levels.
The cholesterol-lowering properties of garlic include reductions in total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. A 10–15% reduction in total or LDL cholesterol has been seen in those using garlic supplements who had high cholesterol.
- Antioxidants in Garlic May Protect Against Alzheimer's and Dementia.
The aging process is accelerated by the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants in garlic help the body's defenses against oxidative stress. It has been shown that supplementing individuals with large doses of garlic increases their levels of antioxidant enzymes and decreases oxidative stress considerably.
- Helps You Live Longer if Garlic Is Consumed
Garlic's longevity-promoting benefits can only be hypothesized in humans. As a result, it seems reasonable that garlic might help you live longer, given its favorable impact on risk variables like blood pressure.
A significant element is that it can combat infectious diseases and major causes of mortality among the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.
Knowing now what can garlic give to you, here are the side effects you may get from eating garlic every day:
- Bleeding is more likely to occur.
An increased risk of bleeding is one of the most dangerous negative effects of consuming too much garlic, mainly if you are on blood thinners or are having surgery. To put it simply, garlic can prevent blood clots from forming due to its anti-thrombotic qualities.
In one example, a patient eating four garlic cloves per day before surgery suffered increased bleeding. Garlic-induced bleeding is rare. As a result, you should consult your doctor before using garlic supplements. Consult a doctor if you're on medication or preparing for surgery before adding garlic to your diet.
- Garlic Breath
Sulfur molecules found in garlic are often cited for their many health benefits. However, if consumed excessively, these chemicals may produce foul breath. Cooking reduces the sulfur components in raw garlic, which is particularly true.
- Problems with the digestive system
Those sensitive to the bloating, gas, and discomfort that may be caused by fructose, a kind of carb, may find that garlic has a similar effect to onions, leeks, or asparagus.
As a result, persons with fructose intolerance cannot adequately metabolize high-fructose foods. Instead, it is fermented in your intestines before passing through the colon, which may lead to digestive problems.
- Heartburn
Garlic consumption should be reduced if you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Heartburn and nausea are frequent symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) when stomach acid leaks up into the esophagus.
The capacity of the muscles at the bottom of your esophagus to seal and keep acid out may be decreased by garlic's tendency to reduce LES tone. Acid reflux may occur as a result of this.